Dear Parents

As part of our ongoing life skills learning in Reception we have arranged a visit to Pizza Express in Old Town. Jay class will be attending on Tuesday 27th February and Blackbirds on Tuesday 12th March. Each class will spend a morning at the restaurant where they will learn about the history of pizza and the ingredients used before getting their hands dirty learning how to make Italian pizzas! We will be leaving school after registration and will be returning before lunch with our pizzas.

The voluntary contribution towards the cost of the trip will be £6 per child. Please contact the school office if you have any issues regarding payment, which will be dealt with confidentially. Please also see the school website for details of our charging policy. Please give consent and make final payment via payments on PA Connect by 20th February 2024.

If your child is registered as Pupil Premium you will still need to ‘check out’ of payments to register your consent. If you do not wish your child to participate in this visit, please email us at: but please be aware that your child must still attend school on that day